Vehicles, particularly armored vehicles, are an integral part of the Twilight 2000 game. They give players speed, firepower, and some measure of safety. On the other hand, the largest, coolest and strongest ones are fuel hogs and may slow the party more than help them.
Here are a few of the vehicles our crew has acquired or encountered.

The current go to vehicle for the group, the OT-64 carries a good amount and, being wheeled, drives like a regular truck. Also, the fuel consumption is low compared to tracked vehicles. The 14.5mm machinegun, KPV, is good against light vehicles and infantry, but couldn't do more than scratch a tank.
Due to being manufactured in Czechoslovakia and Poland, the group choose it over the BTR becasue of the availability of spares. |
The BMP, in a variety of makes, is the standard for Soviet Infantry Fighting Vehicles. Equiped with either a 73mm gun or a 30mm autocannon for fighting light vehicles and infantry, the BMPs also have Anti-Tank Guided Missile systems for harder targets. Like most tracked vehicles, the BMP is a fuel hog, but can go places wheeles can't. |
The most common Soviet tank of the war, many T-72s soldier on in Poland. You don't want to know the gallons per mile it drinks down.
Our heroes saw too many of these when the 5th ID died. They've also observed them in Silesia, Krakow, on the Vistual river road and in the POW camp. In Krakow, the tanks have been turned into a fixture of the fixed defenses by stripping the engines and motive asseblies turning them into armored pillboxes. |
The BTR family of Armored Personel Carriers, a BTR-60 is shown here, were widely used by the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries as a cheap troop mover. The vehicles armor is thin, close range rifle fire can punch through, and the turreted KPV is only good against infantry and other light vehicles. |
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