Tuesday, March 20, 2012

045: Heading Inland

Eddie's Journal

September 15th, 2000

We're in dock at Otwock.  Seven more pirate vessels in the drink, two in trail of the tug.  Taxi!  The locals made nice to us once we made clear we weren't here to rape, kill, and loot.  They told us the remaining pirate support had taken the last 2 functional trucks and a UAZ after the sounds of fire and the sight of our smoke made it clear we were coming upstream.  They headed off towards Warsaw.  big surprise

September 16th, 2000

We left the Tug at Otwock.  Wish we hadn't.  Gunny's been left in command of the troops, Uller's got the helm.  The Old Man and our old crew are following "cap'n tom" downstream.  As she explained it, it would be too easy for the tug to get ambushed pulling through the city, either by direct fire or artillery, we'd go in the captured small boats, meet up with Rataj's family and see what needs to be done. 

September 17th, 2000

Overnighted on the shore.  The pilot "cap'n tom" loaned out guided us into Warsaw with the morning sun.  'My God' does not do it justice. 

We passed true ruins to the south of the city.  Rotting or burnt out strutures that soon passed.  Then tall remnants of walls with a suggestion of structure, broken teeth in a ruined mouth.  Even further in I can't tell where the building were, there's only drifts of rubble and brocken concrete lapping to the river bank.  Can there really be a space or people to live in here?

We found a spot to pull up and cover the boats.  Our pilot says we could have sailed further in and pulled into an estuary, but Captain Kat wants to see these folks before they see her.  With the troubles on the river and the troubles on the shore, they might not be in charge of themselves anymore.  So they're going to walk in.

I gave them the lecture before they left.  You know the one; Personnel Operating in Contaminated Environements.  My geiger is reading clean-ish.  Its the cancer in 10+X years level.  Don't know how hot it'll be further in.

I get to watch the boats.  Yay, me.

September 18th, 2000

Warsaw has some f'ing BIG rats.

Radio contact with the Captain.  Alphabit's heading back with a few locals.  We're to sail to the pilot's estuary and link up.

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