Sunday, July 29, 2012

082: Intermission

December 20th, evening

The hateful orb has dropped below the skyline.  The long shadows of the towers already bring night to the streets.  Honest men have long since shut themselves away.  In the darkness men bent on murder move.  And this One also.

They prey on one another.  This is as it should be.  Fear and desperation distilled into exquisite suffering.  A banquet for the senses they don't posses.  This One savors.

Under the streets the dead lie silent by the water.  The ones this One has shriven so close to perfection are gone.  The harsh smoke of the guns lies with them.  This one crosses the kill sharp senses filtering out the familiar tags of the shriven, the sweet call of blood, and the killing smoke.  

Those who did this.  Their scent is distinct, harsh with chemicals and ripe with health.  What One has found can be followed.

Followed out into a long winter's night.

December 22nd, night

They went to ground in the stone and glass edifice.   Many pulses throb in there.  Many quicksilver minds think.  Too many for this little One.

It watched all through the harsh day.  Men worked at their stupid projects of beating wood and moving stone.  Some left with a purpose, small groups with sharp metal weapons, to the west.  Others returned.  As the orb fell below the land another went out.  One followed.

They met with another small group.  They greeted each other in their fashion.  Senseless gabble One had beaten from the shriven.  The group One followed settled into hollows dug in the earth.  Those who'd been here first left for the stones.

One settled.  One cast a fine net over quicksilver minds.  Hours sifting, digging, pushing.  A man fell asleep.  The other two did not notice.  Another fell.  The last continued to speak in low tones imaging answersSoon it to slumped to sleep.

One's search gave it faces and harsh garbled names.  Five; Major, Ivan, Doc, Donnie, and Root.  Five would answer.  But first One needs be fed.

A shadow falls on the sleeping men.  Then no more.

December 23rd, early morning

"There it is, soldier-boy, River Park."

"How long to shore?"

"Never.  Harbor Rats aren't welcome here.  I'll not risk my crew or ship on Hizzoner's mercy."  The captain of the Pioneer leans on the rail.  "But then you knew that when you came aboard."

Jones curses his fate.  His only means of transport to the island and the leader's thoughts are malleable as mud.  This isn't the missing tooth ache of those he follows.  No, this man is entirely natural, a frustrating sport.

"Yes, I have an inflatable."

"Best get in it.  We got places to go."

December 23rd, evening

 Kilpatrick sits among his finery.  The finest silk and softest linens this ruin of a world has to offer.  He waits on his kin.

Jones is frog marched into the room.  Kilpatrick smiles to see the anger and shame war on his face.  At his gesture the men release Jones.  At a second they leave the two.  Kilpatrick feels the slick force of a push strike the left most man.

"Brother, what have you done to mine own."

Jones runs bruised arms.  "Nothing he wasn't inclined to.  After his drinks instead of a weak slave he'll beat on a strong soldier.  It is minor recompense."

"Not polite..."

"And your welcome was!" Jones snarls.  "I was expected.  'Your own' gave me a coarse greeting and a common beating.  I'll take justice where I find it."

Kilpatrick's smile is purest frost.  "This land was given unto me and me alone.  You are here on sufferance.  Take nothing unless you're prepared to answer for it."

"You wouldn't!  Father has instructed you.."

Colder still.  "Father has requested.  I accepted for him.  No one instructs here.  Understand."

Jones shivers in the cold grip of his brother's strength.  "I.  Understand."

"Yes and as to your treatment, we have experienced a disturbance this day.  Two of the menials were slain and another taken.  It was no game of mine.  Later, I am told the hovel of some of the breeders was entered.  Nothing was taken and none were used.  How strange.  They were asked things."  Kilpatrick stands.  He places his hands on Jones' shivering shoulders.  Looks deep into his eyes.  "I've taken those sights into me.  Open yourself and I will see if there truly common cause."

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