Thursday, September 29, 2011

016: Ed Writes

Eddie writes:

Four went in five came out.  Cap says he's our man.  We're heading back ASAP.

"Doc, how's he doing."

"Good enough.  The vest and trauma plates stopped most of the rounds.  I've got two penetrators.  One went in, hit a rib, and came out his side.  The other's still in there.  Judging from the bleeding it didn't hit anything vital."

"We can move him?"

"....Normally, no.  Given where we are?  Sure.  I'll keep monitoring.  Donald's a match.  Can I tap him if things go south?"


Leo caught a bit of friendly fire.  Doc told me he's lucky.  Alphabit had a set of bad reloads.  They didn't even punch the vest. 


"If you even point that thing to me I gut you like pig.  Clear."


"You sure they didn't punch Doctor?"

"Positive, you're back is split open along the rib lines and you've lost some blood, but no holes.  You're golden.

Doc walks away while Leo picks up his vest.  He fingers the three neat holes in the back of the vest before slinging it on.  They weren't there yesterday.


Cap gave Moon-Pie and I some gold and silver coins.  Told us that's for us.  The others already got a share.  She's keeping back a stash for the group.  I think they found more than they're saying down there. 


"We're just going to leave her here?"

"Leo, where would we take her?  She's a hell of a lot safer down here than in the back of our truck."

"She should go back to the people."

"Find me a people to keep her safe first."

"The Margraf would pay..."

"We need to make sure he pays us for him first.  She'll been safe here for a long time.  She'll keep a few more days."


Drove into the night.  Saw no one in the haunted forest or near Lubliniec.  There were light, electrical and headlights, moving in Dobronittzin.  Cap pulled us back and made a big circle around the town.  Established radio contact with the border post and came on in.  The border boys looked over our "orders" and told us they'd radio ahead to Raciborz.  Home stretch.


Otto scans the approach.  The American Captain and her crew should be arriving soon.  The Baron says to take whatever they have and bring them to him.  Foreign troops are his.  Julian needs a reminder.

They have a truck and a jeep.  He's got two BTRs, 16 men and the Margraf's colors.  This should be easy.

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