Tuesday, October 11, 2011

028: Kidnap

Doctor Alexandrea Miller, August 17th, 2000

I hate this.  Hate it.

"Keep his leg straight."

Life boat rules.  Triage.

"Cut the pant leg open."

Rationing.  No F'ing X-Rays!

"Good, looks like a simple break.  How does that feel?"

If I ever have one of the fuckers that started this under my knife... He'll be missing a few parts.

"I want you to pull, firm and steady.  I'll let you know when it slips back into place.  Ready?"

Hey, why did that guy just pass a roll of bills to our infirmary guard?  Where is he going?

"Slowly release your grip.  Think you can apply the splint?"

The safety coming off is loud in the room.  "Major Miller?"  He's speaking English and the russian accent is pronounced.  The AKR steady in his hands.

"Yes."  Wipe my hands on a towel.  My pistol is clear across the room.  My mistake, I didn't want a panicky patient to grab it.

"You will come with us."  A second man is at the door, also armed.  "We have questions."

"Oh Yeah!  So?"

Insincere smile, "you answer quickly, truthfully, we let you go."  The AKR waves around the room, my patient and Jana hold very still.  "No one gets hurt."

"Oh, I understand all right mister.  They stay here and I'll go."

"I glad we can come to understanding."  He gestures towards the back of the exam room.  "We go out back way.  My comrade will follow once we leave.  Now."

I'm first, mind racing, as we go down the hall.  At the end is the emergency fire door.  They aren't letting anyone go.  But they want me, intact enough to talk.  I slump my shoulders.  Start top drag a bit.  Cowed prisoner, that's me.  F' them.

I push open the emergency door.  No alarm, the electricity's off and the battery is long dead.  Hold the end as I emerge into sunlight.  Pause, sigh, feel the prod of the submachinegun in my back.  Stumble forward and around the door.  He starts to order me to stop as I throw my weight against the door and him.

He's stuck painfully between the jam and the door.  His gun crushed close to his chest with the barrle sticking outside.  I grab the barrel, release the door and pull for all I'm worth.  He staggers into me.  I stomp down on his instep, raising a howl, and twist from the waist.  The AKR pops free as he falls.  I jump back, reversing the gun, and line him up.  Clamp the trigger, the gun fires once and he writhes.

There's shouting masculine from inside.  A burst of gun fire.  Bastards!  I really liked that kid.  I look down at my kidnapper.  Toss my short hair back while giving him my best smile.  I put one right between his legs.  That gets a good scream high enough to be anyone, even a woman.  Fuck you..

I can't get back inside so I take cover as best I can and wait for dumb fuck number two.  He comes right through the door at a charge.  Bet he figures his friend had to pop me not the other way around.  Five rounds center of mass correct that assumption.

One each to the head.  Pays to be sure.


I come around the corner just in time to see a black brick of a car leave.  I think about pouring the rest of the clip into it, but there's no telling who else might get hit.  First, do no harm.  To the bystanders anyway.

All the ORMO fucks are gone.  I should get out of here before the authorities show up.  But I can't not look into the exam room first.  I have a responsibility there.  More than one.  Kaz, thepoor man with the broken leg, is dead.  Jana is no where to be seen.

I grab by web vest and head up to the roof.  The hand radio ought to reach the house.  The big set is plugged into the box so we can keep an emergency channel open at all times.  I'm not leaving without my apprentice.

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