Monday, October 31, 2011

033: Planning Session

Eddie's Journal August 21st, 2000

Cap, Doc and Lou left last night to do a bit of recon.  They planned to stay overnight at Camp Pow and view the watch changes and morning roll.  Get a solid idea of their competancy and their numbers before they drew up plans.  It must have gone well, cuz they came back in one piece.  Cap told us top give her 4 hours and wake her with a strong pot.  Since I won't drop one on her, I'll raid the MRE stash for coffee and sugar instead.

Note to tell Cap; we're real low on sundries from the MREs

Captain Paterson

The discussions been rolling around the group for about half an hour now.  We keep getting hung up on the numbers.  I'm letting Doc get into details about the prisoners we observed and her inferences about their treatment and health.  Gives me time to get my thoughts organized again.

I lean in as she finishes, "Thank you Major.  Llewellyn, Leonid, how about you."

Llewellyn takes the lead, Leo leans back and nods along as he agrees.  "Cap, no doubt Leo and I can get in there.  We could move up the stream divert, cut the fence, and make like sneaky snake.  But that's still two of us, three if we took George, against nearly seventy of them.  I could kill their power.  Make a lot of noise.  I'm awesome, I admit, but not that good."

"Could we all make it over the wires?"

"I can't get us all through the wires.  You're all not good enough and their perimeter security is good.  The OTs might rip through the fence line until the wires fouled the wheels.  The Bump would clear it clean, but its back in Krakow.  Anyway, the sound of engines would be heard far before we got to the fences.  Those BMPs they have would make short work of ours.  Nope, I'm not seeing it."

Alphabit speaks up all eager, "Just get me inside.  I'll blow up their barracks!  Dynamite, C4.  Set some charges and KABOOM you're down to managable numbers."

Leo, "No, my friend, we get you close, but not inside.  Their tight like your..."

Llewellyn, "Not a a chance in hell."

Alphabit gives us a look like we kicked his puppy. 

Llewellyn starts back up.  "Look Captain, I do green ops, not black ones.  Find the enemy and phone it in so the tankers and arty can finish the job.  Then I go home for steak and eggs."

He looks towards heaven, "I could really use a steak, rare-rare.  Anyway, we got plenty of tools, but not enough workers.  Now George over here said the convoy might have, what, 20 or 30 guards and no armor.  That's doable.  We take'em by ambush and we're done.  That gives us what, George, two hundred odd vets.  We give'em a meal, split out the guns and come back here.  Then we straighten this place out.  What ya think?"

George starts in with some perfunctory objections.  I talk over him.  "Now that's making sense.  Let me see that map again."  Trace the expected route back.  "They're walking, they shouldn't be any further than here.  They're making what, 20 to 30 klicks a day.  We can get to this forested area and still have two days to set things up."

George, "Think they'll stick to that route?"

"Is there anything you aren't telling us about the prisoner column?  So, no, if they want any chance of making the schedule you've laid out then they have to be on these roads or near to it."

I stand and wave at my troop.  "Let's pack it up.  We've got enough light left to move and find a good place to overnight.  Tomorrow we got some killing to plan."

Doc gives me a grin, a cackle, and a double-thumbs up before rushing off to pack.  The others share a mixture of relieved and determination.  Eddie looks a little sick, but he's staring after Doc, so I let it slide.  Hell, even George looks like he's with it though we're trashing his ops plan in the process.

We'll be back here, just wait till next week.

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