Monday, May 14, 2012

066: RESET

The RESET Lab Notes

                The book is a set of standard scientific log book with several pages and additional reports stapled into it.  The book is roughly divided into six sections.

SECTION 1: Contains details on final prototype construction of a modified Flieshmann-Pons cold fusion generator.  The generator sandwiches a nickel reaction plate between two micro-perforated copper plates.  Tolerances are very close and require the use of specialized machine tools to manufacture.  Activation of the generator requires a “jump” from an external power source, but is self-actuating beyond that point.  The unit is the size of a brick and produces power equivalent to a D-cell.

SECTION 2: Faded carbon copies of a shoot down report by Polish Air Defenses in 1998, salvage reports of “experimental western aircraft”, medical reports and autopsies of several of the salvage crew.  Salvage crew suffered from hallucinations, blindness, or severe pain during ops.  During medical treatment exhibited signs of severe radiation sickness.  Autopsies revealed damage to the visual cortex inconsistent with radiation exposure as well as eyes and CNS trunk.  Examples of damage include burnt out”, “overload”, and “cascading neurological failure.

SECTION 3:  Abbreviated copies of earlier research - Ties the SECTION 2 reports with a particular area of the intercepted craft.  The craft contains a fractured torus and a massive “trunk” running through the torus’ core.  The harness loops back upon itself connecting to the torus and other portions of the craft’s electrical system.  Marginalia in the SECTION 1 author’s hand notes similarities to the self-sustaining features of the cold fusion device.  Portions of the torus, described as sigils, are end points of the electrical system.  The placement of the sigils appears to focus on the trunk.  Experiments with one of the sigils produced electrical flow in the trunk. 
Activation and deactivation of the sigil produced short term visual and tactile hallucinations in a lab assistant.  Very minor radiation levels were observed during operation.  Through trial and error multiple sigils could be focused on the trunk to increase power flow.  Speculation that original device was capable of 5 Megawatt power levels.  Each activation, deactivation , and interruption of power produced higher order effects on lab personnel as the number of sigil increased. 

SECTION 4: Notes in SECTION 1 author’s hand
                Due to declining health of sigil research team the cold fusion team is transferred.  Using the prototype fusion device, secondary effects due to activation, deactivation and intermittent power loss are minimized.  We’ll turn it on and keep it running.  Examination of damaged sigils and the careful deconstruction of one of the four remaining sigils allow the construction of a crude, but functional, sigil.  A detailed doping scheme and diagrams show the process.   The diagrams are eye watering, showing 16 terminus points resulting in 9 overlapping isosceles triangles, a geometrical impossibility.  Sigil doping recommends silver as the primary material due to conductive properties.

SECTION 5: Prototype Construction
                The Sigil Generator is constructed as a ring of 21 units with a central trunk of industrial grade copper power transmission cabling in the trunk.  The entire assembly was sealed in a lead lined case along with the cold fusion brick.  The case contains three breaches; a wiring egress on the top, water ingress on the lower right side, and a small drainage hole on the bottom in case of accidents.  The generator was completed in late June and entered endurance trials.  Power output is 100+ kilowatt range.  Theoretical maximum for the unit is 500 killowatts.

SECTION 6: Secondary Effects
1.       Sigil fiend christened “Tillinghast” radiation by researchers
2.      Tillinghast radiation registers as low levels of Gamma on Geiger Counters.
3.       Exposure to radiation causes stimulation in the nervous system resulting in visual and tactile hallucinations.  Most commonly reported as blurred vision, luminous blobs, and sporadic pain.
4.       Continued exposure results in permanent neurological damage and death.
5.       For unknown reasons, levels spike sharply during powering and depowering.  Intermittent power faults and loss magnify this effect.
6.       The use of multiple sigil units has a geometric effect on this effect.
7.       Tillinghast radiation is blocked by lead.  The lead thickness required is a square root function of the number of sigil units.
8.       Speculation on the effects of violent deconstruction of the sigil generator
a.       Much like a damaged nuclear device, the rapid deconstruction of the generator will result in dirty short range effects, but not a detonation.  The effects will be much less than the geometric failure effects observed to date.
b.      Conversely, all aspects of the sigil generator defy conventional scientific thought.  The chaos of deconstruction may amplify, exponentially, the effects. 
c.       Plans to construct a 3 sigil generator for rapid deconstruction (not completed)
9.       Speculation on the use of sigils as directed energy weapons.   All Wild-Ass-Guesses.

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